Grobalization vs glocalization

Before we begin lets understand the meanings of grobalization and glocalization.  Grobalization focuses on the imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations and organizations, and the likes and desires, like having a McDonald’s and meeting the cultural means of the nation and having certain foods the people of that nation usually eat.  Grobalization allows the expansion of ideas to fit the norm of the nation in order to increase their power, influence and profits.  Glocalization is the interpretation of the global and the local, resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas. 

Glocalization focuses on the uniqueness and differences within and between areas of the world. In glocalization individuals have room to express themselves in order to adapt, innovate, and maneuver within a glocalized world. Glocalization sees local individuals and groups as important and creative agents.

The similarities between the two are that they both focus on the interest of the individual and the uniqueness of a group or individual. Both theories exist to compliment the nations culture with the rest of the world, meaning that although certain technology, food, government policies or many other miscellaneous ideas come across a nation, it will adapt to the people of that area. In difference grobalization focuses on a group or organization in order for them to grow economically or in other aspects. Glocalization sees the individual as important asset. The individual’s unique creative is the driving agent of glocalization

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